An ethical subroutine and the software of being wrong from DC Reid on Vimeo. An ethical subroutine and the software of being wrong DC Reid. Permalink
Your laboratory of glass fetuses from DC Reid on Vimeo. Your laboratory of glass fetuses DC Reid. Permalink
You keeper of truth, Sandria, you guardian of beauty from DC Reid on Vimeo. You keeper of truth, Sandria, you guardian of beauty DC Reid. Permalink
Softwear toward an aesthetic of apres love algorithms from DC Reid on Vimeo. Softwear toward an aesthetic of apres love algorithms DC Reid. Permalink
You peel the tangerine to reveal what can be eaten from DC Reid on Vimeo. You peel the tangerine to reveal what can be eaten DC Reid. Permalink
Suppoase the sweet after sex sandria/ from DC Reid on Vimeo. Suppoase the sweet after sex sandria/ DC Reid. Permalink