CONTEXT: Cloudio, having been programmed to think he has a body, now understands that he is a thing, a being and he is asking Sandria, who he is not quite sure of yet, but that she is ‘making’ him, for a name, because names are places of identity. He is convinced that he has blue eyes because she has programmed him to think that he does, hence all the recognizable people in the video with blue eyes.
Note: In case you missed my earlier note, the spelling mistakes are intentional. Sandria’s humour includes making a computer that cannot make mistakes make mistakes.
NOTE: EXPLETIVE AT THE END!! viewer discretion is suggested.
Dennis Reid -
CONTEXT: Cloudio, having been programmed to think he has a body, now understands that he is a thing, a being and he is asking Sandria, who he is not quite sure of yet, but that she is ‘making’ him, for a name, because names are places of identity. He is convinced that he has blue eyes because she has programmed him to think that he does, hence all the recognizable people in the video with blue eyes.
Note: In case you missed my earlier note, the spelling mistakes are intentional. Sandria’s humour includes making a computer that cannot make mistakes make mistakes.
NOTE: EXPLETIVE AT THE END!! viewer discretion is suggested.