CONTEXT: Sandria is burying her father, a minister; that is why western religion is important in this project. The Pope is Ratzinger, and he reappears, from time to time to the end. Ratzinger was the Pope who received the pedophile files about Catholic priests and young children. He did nothing with them, simply sat on them.
Sandria’s father was her most important person as you will see as the novel/play/movies unfold. The rest of her family remains ghostly because she is a limited narrator; they were not important to her, only her father. She cannot let him go.
Dennis Reid -
CONTEXT: Sandria is burying her father, a minister; that is why western religion is important in this project. The Pope is Ratzinger, and he reappears, from time to time to the end. Ratzinger was the Pope who received the pedophile files about Catholic priests and young children. He did nothing with them, simply sat on them.
Sandria’s father was her most important person as you will see as the novel/play/movies unfold. The rest of her family remains ghostly because she is a limited narrator; they were not important to her, only her father. She cannot let him go.