CONTEXT: Sandria is talking to her shrink calling him Herr Doktor, Sylvia Plath’s name of derision for her father. Sandria is describing how she slept with her father, as a good thing, until she comes to the problem that she thinks her mother hated her and she was worthless. Sandria is an unreliable narrator and her view of her mother is wrong, but she does not know it. In this ‘project’ she does not reach understanding that her mother was different from what she, mistakenly, thinks.
While art likes a completion of the arc, beginning and ending in the same place, our real lives never reach completion, we just keep on going, hence my doing both things in this project.
Dennis Reid -
CONTEXT: Sandria is talking to her shrink calling him Herr Doktor, Sylvia Plath’s name of derision for her father. Sandria is describing how she slept with her father, as a good thing, until she comes to the problem that she thinks her mother hated her and she was worthless. Sandria is an unreliable narrator and her view of her mother is wrong, but she does not know it. In this ‘project’ she does not reach understanding that her mother was different from what she, mistakenly, thinks.
While art likes a completion of the arc, beginning and ending in the same place, our real lives never reach completion, we just keep on going, hence my doing both things in this project.