Comments (1)

  1. TITLE PAGE: A title page in a paper-based book is simply a title on an otherwise blank, white page. The purpose of this poem-video is to show other poets that there are an infinite number of possibilities, in web-based media for what we have until now only been able to use as a blank, content-devoid piece of white paper.

    There is a whole new world out there for poets. The next page to come is the quotes page. The table of contents is jettisoned in this book. The home page serves as a contents page, however, it allows a reader/viewer to start any page, choose any order, and to make their own experience of the book by viewing only what they want to see. The, You Shall Have No Other tab above leads viewers to a copy of the text that they can download and amend as they choose. All of these poem-videos can be downloaded and changed anyway a person wants to.

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